Hive Birth Center
Opening SUMMER 2025!!!
In an adorable little house conveniently located behind Ashland Community Hospital.
More images to come once renovations are complete. I can’t wait to share this new space with you. Stay tuned.
Demo is finished and framing is up! Can’t wait for the walls to go up so I can really see it all starting to come together.
You will have an increase in…
-Vaginal birth rate
-Breastfeeding success
-Feelings of empowerment
-Shared-decision making
When seeing a midwife for prenatal care you have struck gold!
You will have a decrease in…
-Cesarean section rate
-Vaginal lacerations
-Maternal morbidity and mortality
-Infant morbidity and mortality
-Decreased postpartum depression
Prenatal Care
Whether you were trying to conceive or it was a surprise, we all want the same thing for our growing baby. We want the person taking care of us to not only care about weight and blood pressure, but we want them to care about what’s important to us in mind, body, and spirit. We want them to listen and take the time to hear our concerns. We want to be a part of decisions being made and not told what to do and how to do it. Everything is a discussion and time is given to make those decisions. This is prenatal care with a midwife.
Appointments are around 50mins in length, this offers time to learn more about you and your growing family. You will be well prepared to enter this new stage of life and thrive.
First visit is usually around 10-12 weeks. With visits every 4 weeks till 28 weeks, every 2 weeks till 36 weeks, and then every week till baby arrives.
Discussed and offered…
-Sneak peek gender reveal test. Beginning at 6 weeks
-All standard lab work
-Strong emphasis on healthy foods and movement
Labor and Birth
There is no greater power or force than a woman in labor. We can accomplish the most amazing things when given the education, support, space, and time to do those things.
At Hive Birth Center you are the guide of your birthing journey. If you want to eat-eat. If you want to move-move. If you want 1 person there or 20-that is up to you. Walk around the backyard in labor if that feels right for you. This is your birthing story, and you are the author. Join an amazing group of families and be part of the Hive.
-Births from 37 to 42 weeks.
-Water therapy and water births.
-Comfy beds.
-Birthing balls.
-Meal from our kitchen provided after birth.
-Medications when necessary (excluding pain medications).
-Transition to home around 3-4 hours after birth.
Conveniently located directly behind Ashland Hospital in the event that a transfer during labor is necessary.
The 4th trimester! What, I’ve already done 3 trimesters, no one told me about a 4th! We begin talking about the postpartum period at your very first prenatal appointment, so nothing is a surprise.
Postpartum comes with it’s own joys, laughs, tears, hormone changes, and challenges. It is truly a rollercoaster. That is why we are with you from the moment baby takes their first breath through the first 6 weeks.
We work hard at feeding your baby the way you want baby to be fed, we discuss safe sleeping, nourishing your body, and everything in between.
The first couple visits are in the comfort of your own home with the remainder in the office.
Newborn Care
The newborn stage is amazing but fleeting. The first 28 days goes by in a blur. It is filled with countless diapers, loads of laundry, and spit-up stained bibs.
The last thing you want to do after baby is born is leave the house to go for baby’s check-up, because of this the first couple visits are in the comfort of your own home, then the remainder are in the office.
We see baby for the first 4 weeks, then you can transition to continued care of your choosing. Hive Midwifery & Family Health is available for the whole family now, so care can continue right where your baby took their first breaths. I am so excited that I get to continue seeing your lovely babies and learn more about your family as you are always changing and evolving.
Knowing the amazing care that midwives give, you are wanting to explore the idea of having a midwife for all your prenatal and postpartum care, but desire the security of a hospital or need a higher level of care for your labor and birth, then this is the perfect option for you.
Receive all your prenatal care with Hive Midwifery, but when the big day comes to meet your one, deliver in the hospital of your choosing with an OB on staff. Then come back to Hive Midwifery for your postpartum and newborn care.
Tailor the care to fit your needs. There are several ways to receive concierge care. Call to find out what option works best for you.